Find and read all the latest Tufesa reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified Tufesa reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their Tufesa tickets on The customer reviews evaluate Tufesa service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
We hope you find them helpful! Find out more about the GotoBus customer reviews program - we look forward to your review!
I understand, because of the holiday season the bus was running later than usual. I wasn't aware that the bus picks and drop off it's customers in different county. Well I know now. Thanks for your services.
Posted on: 2024-10-26
Depature: Los Angeles, CA
Arrival: Phoenix, AZ
Name: Edward Chapa
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-10-22
Depature: Huntington Park, CA
Arrival: Fresno, CA
Name: Stephen J.
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
A very enjoyable and comfortable ride. My wife and I have used Tufesa many times, especially in Mexico, and were very happy with them. Highly recommended.
Posted on: 2024-10-21
Depature: Phoenix, AZ
Arrival: Fresno, CA
Name: Marlena Rubio
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Nice and comfortable nice drive
Posted on: 2024-08-20
Depature: Las Vegas, NV
Arrival: Huntington Park, CA
Name: Elverta Boone
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
I made error booking my ticket It was very easy to change with
Donna, 9;00 am arrive at 2:30 bus number 806
Seat number 3
I was not please with the bus driver driving at all
Posted on: 2024-07-29
Depature: Los Angeles, CA
Arrival: Las Vegas, NV
Name: Mekonnen Eyob
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-07-22
Depature: Los Angeles, CA
Arrival: Phoenix, AZ
Name: Suzanna M Solis
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-07-21
Depature: Las Vegas, NV
Arrival: Los Angeles, CA
Name: Mekonnen Eyob
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Tufesa review summary
Total Number of Reviews6296
Overall Raiting4.4
Bus Cleanliness4.5
Bus Service & Staff4.5
Bus Comfort4.4
Recommend Yes90.7% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations