Goto Sawgrass Rating & Reviews

1 Reviews

Find and read all the latest Goto Sawgrass reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified Goto Sawgrass reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their Goto Sawgrass tickets on The customer reviews evaluate Goto Sawgrass service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort. We hope you find them helpful! Find out more about the GotoBus customer reviews program - we look forward to your review!

  • Posted on: 2020-01-23
  • Depature: Sawgrass Mills, FL
  • Arrival: South Beach, FL
  • Name: Bruno
  • Star ratings:
  • Bus Cleanliness:
  • Punctuality:
  • Service & Staff:
  • Comfort:
I recommend this bus!
I cannot find the address of departure of the bus to sawgrass mills! I also cannot track the bus from the link in the email that you sent me, or contact goto bus from chat. I also had a bad experience calling to sawgrass mills in the number that you gave me. The person was rude until I can get the number of the driver in my own cell phone, because I didn’t have pencil and paper in that moment, was in a noisy street and also was nervous because I was talking and searching for the driver at the same time. I only recommend the service because of the price, but I didn’t liked the help they gave me when I needed. The only person that I liked was the driver.
    Goto Sawgrass review summary
  • Total Number of Reviews1
  • Overall Raiting3.1
  • Bus Cleanliness4.5
  • Punctuality2.0
  • Bus Service & Staff2.0
  • Bus Comfort4.0
  • Recommend Yes100.0%
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