Find and read all the latest CoachRun Inc reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified CoachRun Inc reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their CoachRun Inc tickets on The customer reviews evaluate CoachRun Inc service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
We hope you find them helpful! Find out more about the GotoBus customer reviews program - we look forward to your review!
Very good safe ride.. just the guy selling waters and what not held bus up and caused confusion cause he wasn’t even a rider
Posted on: 2024-12-14
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Washington, DC
Name: Chiara Lamberti
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
There was a guy treating everyone bad and did the bus leave later, he was controlling the queue and the sits but was not the driver and he was also selling stuff on the bus
Posted on: 2024-12-12
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Boston, MA
Name: Hicham
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
I actually recommended CoachRun to my friend directly after the trip and tha main reason that it's cheap compared with any other options !
Posted on: 2024-12-12
Depature: Boston, MA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Jianing Dai
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-11
Depature: Washington, DC
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Santos
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Bery bad experience
Posted on: 2024-12-11
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Raleigh, NC
Name: Anderlean
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-11
Depature: Raleigh, NC
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Anderlean
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-11
Depature: Boston, MA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Rajesh
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
CoachRun Inc review summary
Total Number of Reviews4377
Overall Raiting4.6
Bus Cleanliness4.6
Bus Service & Staff4.8
Bus Comfort4.3
Recommend Yes80.5% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations